Daisy seated at table with team and smiling

Raising the Bar: Accessibility Innovation on X1

At Comcast, we believe when you make a product more inclusive you create a better experience for everyone. For Daisy, a Comcast engineer, it was her father’s battle with multiple sclerosis and her uncle’s struggle with PTSD that ignited her passion for accessibility. See how Daisy’s efforts led to the creation of Safe Sound, a groundbreaking audio compression and normalization algorithm for the X1 platform.

Episode 1: Meet Daisy

Daisy is a special breed of engineer. Ever since she was a young girl, tinkering with appliances at the kitchen table, she’s had an insatiable curiosity and desire to create. Now, Daisy is fueling that passion by building tomorrow’s technologies for Comcast Labs. Learn more about Daisy from the people who know her best, including her mother, teammates, and executive champions.

Episode 1: Meet Daisy

Daisy is a special breed of engineer. Ever since she was a young girl, tinkering with appliances at the kitchen table, she’s had an insatiable curiosity and desire to create. Now, Daisy is fueling that passion by building tomorrow’s technologies for Comcast Labs. Learn more about Daisy from the people who know her best, including her mother, teammates, and executive champions.

Episode 2: Passion Meets Collaboration At Comcast, Lab Week is a time for teams to come together, innovate and work on passion projects. For Daisy, Lab Week fell during just her second week on the job and became the ideal platform to pitch her idea: “Safe Sound.” The feedback, encouragement, and support she received from her team and from leadership helped propel her idea forward and bring this new X1 accessibility feature to life.
Episode 3: Breaking New Ground Daisy’s idea for Safe Sound was originally developed in response to her own family member’s battles with MS and PTSD. The current implantation of Safe Sound looks at changing millions of people’s lives for the better, and not just those with disabilities. Through her talent, dedication and hard work, Daisy has become a rising star at Comcast and in the industry as a whole.
Episode 3: Breaking New Ground Daisy’s idea for Safe Sound was originally developed in response to her own family member’s battles with MS and PTSD. The current implantation of Safe Sound looks at changing millions of people’s lives for the better, and not just those with disabilities. Through her talent, dedication and hard work, Daisy has become a rising star at Comcast and in the industry as a whole.

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A Better Experience for Everyone

We are committed to making our products, services, and experiences accessible to the widest possible audience, and opening new doors to independence for people with disabilities.